For our users, who carefully read our News and Release-Notes, it is certainly not a technical novelty that our consent management gICS already supports the HL7 Germany FHIR Standard for Consent Management since 2021.
Together with the colleagues from Erlangen, Munich and Heilbronn, a n article was published, which highlights backgrounds in relation to the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) and the CODEX project of the Network University Medicine (NUM). Of course, some technical details are also included.
This publication was published Open Access in December 2022 and can be cited as follows:
Bialke, M., Geidel, L., Hampf, C. et al. A FHIR has been lit on gICS: facilitating the standardised exchange of informed consent in a large network of university medicine. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 22, 335 (2022).
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