MIRACUM-DIFUTURE colloquium: gICS supports core dataset module “Consent” of the medical informatics initiative

11. July 2023|Conference contributions, FHIR, General, gICS, Software and documents|

As part of the MIRACUM-DIFUTURE colloquium, the new gICS release and its significance in the context of the core dataset module “Consent” and the Research Data Portal Health (FDPG) were explained. The presentation includes a brief presentation of the Consent search parameters of the core dataset module “Consent” (version 1.0.3) a classification regarding the [...]

THS Community Dialog on June 1, 2023

9. May 2023|Community, E-PIX, FHIR, General, gICS, gPAS|

Since September 2020, we have been offering users of our tools and potentially interested parties a central point of contact to ask questions, understand the background and share experiences with other users. This THS Community Dialog forms the basis for the development of a joint FAQ in our community area. Participation is free of [...]

We Know What You Agreed To, Don’t We? – New Open Access Publication

10. January 2023|General, gICS, Projects, Publications|

Researchers are aware of a consent’s importance, because informed consents are THE basis for study participation in research projects, if not otherwise regulated by law. Any incorrectly filled-in consent is invalid and inevitably leads to the participant’s exclusion from the study and loss of data for the research. The article highlights paper-based consent forms, [...]

A FHIR has been lit on gICS! – New Open Access Publication

6. January 2023|General, gICS, Publications|

For our users, who carefully read our News and Release-Notes, it is certainly not a technical novelty that our consent management gICS already supports the HL7 Germany FHIR Standard for Consent Management since 2021. Together with the colleagues from Erlangen, Munich and Heilbronn, a n article was published, which highlights backgrounds in relation to [...]

New Publication – ‘3LGM2IHE: Requirements for data-protection-compliant research infrastructures. A systematic comparison of theory and practice-oriented implementation’

16. December 2022|E-PIX, General, gICS, gPAS, Publications|

At the end of the year, another publication from the Trusted Third Party Greifswald was published. As part of the DFG-funded project 3LGM2IHE, requirements for record linkage, pseudonymization and the management of consents were extracted from the TMF Data Protection Guidlines (TMF Datenschutzleitfaden). These requirements were compared with the software solutions E-PIX, gPAS and [...]

New Community-Releases of E-PIX, gPAS und gICS available

2. November 2022|E-PIX, gICS, gPAS, Releases|

Since today, updated releases of E-PIX, gPAS and gICS are available for download for the broad community. Besides new functionalities and numerous improvements, updated manuals and interface specifications are available. Part of the new community releases of E-PIX and gICS is a flexibly configurable notification system (notifications), e.g. to be able to notify appropriately [...]