In order to answer legal and practice-relevant questions conclusively with regard to applicable legislation, the University Medicine Greifswald commissioned a legal opinion from Dierks+Company using comprehensive and concrete questions related to the GDPR and national legislation.
In order to provide maximum support for national and international cooperation projects, it has been written in English and refers to two specific Trusted Third Party projects:
Baltic Fracture Competence Centre (BFCC)
German Centre for Cardiovascular Research e.V. (DZHK).
The legal opinion focuses on aspects of data protection compliant processing of data within a Trusted Third Party and emphasizes practical Methods and Tools, including topics such as: Erasure of Personal Data, Right to be forgotten, Consent, Legal Consequences of Withdrawal, Quality assurance, Privacy by Design.
The publication of this legal opinion as an independent printed TMF volume as well as an online open access version took place on February 11, 2021.