The white paper: Improving record linkage for health research in Germany was published a few days ago. The publication was produced as part of the NFDI4Health project in cooperation with the BMBF’s Medical Informatics Initiative, the University Medicine Network and TMF e.V.. In essence, it examines various use cases in relation to the status quo of record linkage in Germany, presents existing solutions and derives future requirements from them.
The Trusted Third Party of the University Medicine Greifswald was able to incorporate several years of practical experience in the field of record linkage at the University Medical Center Greifswald in general and with regard to selected project scenarios (KKR-MV, NAKO). Thus, it is not only about the use of E-PIX, but also about current developments in the field of federated record linkage with the fTTP in the context of the Medical Informatics Initiative and the Network University Medicine.
This publication was published Open Access in September 2023 and can be cited as follows
Intemann T, Kaulke K, Kipker DK, Lettieri V, Stallmann C, Schmidt C, Geidel L, Bialke M, Hampf C, Stahl D, Lablans M, Rohde F, Franke M, Kraywinkel K, Kieschke J, Bartholomäusn S, Näher AF, Tremper G, Lambarki M, March S, Prasser F, Haber AC, Drepper J, Schlünder I, Kirsten T, Pigeot I, Sax U, Buchner B, Ahrens W, Semler S
White Paper – Verbesserung des Record Linkage für die Gesundheitsforschung in Deutschland
2023. 167 p. doi:10.4126/FRL01-006461895
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