Klasse PaginationConfig

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class PaginationConfig extends Object implements Serializable
parameter for get...Paginated functions

default = 0

default = 10

default = empty map
filter values; for possible keys see IdentityField

default = null
consents with date >= startDate are returned

default = null
consents with date Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= endDate are returned

default = null

default = true
has no effect on template type

default = false

see IdentityField
default = null

default = true

geidell, moser
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • PaginationConfig

      public PaginationConfig()
    • PaginationConfig

      public PaginationConfig(String globalFieldFilter, boolean caseSensitive)
    • PaginationConfig

      public PaginationConfig(Map<IdentityField,String> identityFilter, Map<PersonField,String> personFilter, boolean asConjunction, boolean caseSensitive)
  • Methodendetails

    • isUsingPagination

      public boolean isUsingPagination()
    • getFirstEntry

      public int getFirstEntry()
    • setFirstEntry

      public void setFirstEntry(int firstEntry)
    • getPageSize

      public int getPageSize()
    • setPageSize

      public void setPageSize(int pageSize)
    • getGlobalFieldFilter

      public String getGlobalFieldFilter()
    • setGlobalFieldFilter

      public void setGlobalFieldFilter(String globalFieldFilter)
    • isUsingGlobalFieldFiltering

      public boolean isUsingGlobalFieldFiltering()
    • isGlobalFieldFilterCaseSensitive

      public boolean isGlobalFieldFilterCaseSensitive()
    • setGlobalFieldFilterCaseSensitive

      public void setGlobalFieldFilterCaseSensitive(boolean globalFieldFilterCaseSensitive)
    • isUsingEventFiltering

      public boolean isUsingEventFiltering()
    • getEventFilter

      public Set<IdentityHistoryEvent> getEventFilter()
    • setEventFilter

      public void setEventFilter(Set<IdentityHistoryEvent> eventFilter)
    • isUsingSolutionFiltering

      public boolean isUsingSolutionFiltering()
    • getSolutionFilter

      public Set<PossibleMatchSolution> getSolutionFilter()
    • setSolutionFilter

      public void setSolutionFilter(Set<PossibleMatchSolution> solutionFilter)
    • isUsingPriorityFiltering

      public boolean isUsingPriorityFiltering()
    • getPriorityFilter

      public Set<PossibleMatchPriority> getPriorityFilter()
    • setPriorityFilter

      public void setPriorityFilter(Set<PossibleMatchPriority> priorityFilter)
    • isUsingIdentityFiltering

      public boolean isUsingIdentityFiltering()
    • getIdentityFilter

      public Map<IdentityField,String> getIdentityFilter()
    • setIdentityFilter

      public void setIdentityFilter(Map<IdentityField,String> identityFilter)
    • isIdentityFilterAsConjunction

      public boolean isIdentityFilterAsConjunction()
    • setIdentityFilterAsConjunction

      public void setIdentityFilterAsConjunction(boolean identityFilterAsConjunction)
    • isIdentityFilterCaseSensitive

      public boolean isIdentityFilterCaseSensitive()
    • setIdentityFilterCaseSensitive

      public void setIdentityFilterCaseSensitive(boolean identityFilterCaseSensitive)
    • isGlobalIdentityFiltering

      public boolean isGlobalIdentityFiltering()
    • getGlobalIdentityFilterPattern

      public String getGlobalIdentityFilterPattern()
    • detectAndConfigureGlobalIdentityFiltering

      public boolean detectAndConfigureGlobalIdentityFiltering(Set<IdentityField> globalFilterFields)
      If IdentityField.NONE is the only key in the identity filter map with a non-empty pattern value, then configure the filter to search in all given global filter fields linked by OR (disjunction), otherwise leave the filter configuration untouched.
      globalFilterFields - the identity fields to search in when using global identity field filtering
      Gibt zurück:
      true when global filtering was detected and configured
    • getIdentityGenderStrings

      public Map<Gender,String> getIdentityGenderStrings()
    • setIdentityGenderStrings

      public void setIdentityGenderStrings(Map<Gender,String> identityGenderStrings)
    • detectAndConfigureIdentityGenderFiltering

      public boolean detectAndConfigureIdentityGenderFiltering()
    • detectAndConfigureIdentityGenderFiltering

      public boolean detectAndConfigureIdentityGenderFiltering(Map<Gender,String> genderStrings)
      If IdentityField.GENDER is a key in the identity fields filter map, then replace the (localized) gender strings by all gender symbol keys (as defined in Gender) for which the value's pattern matches the gender string value.
      genderStrings - a map with genders as keys and the localized strings as values
      Gibt zurück:
      true when the identity gender pattern has changed
    • getIdentityVitalStatusStrings

      public Map<VitalStatus,String> getIdentityVitalStatusStrings()
    • setIdentityVitalStatusStrings

      public void setIdentityVitalStatusStrings(Map<VitalStatus,String> identityVitalStatusStrings)
    • detectAndConfigureIdentityVitalStatusFiltering

      public boolean detectAndConfigureIdentityVitalStatusFiltering()
    • detectAndConfigureIdentityVitalStatusFiltering

      public boolean detectAndConfigureIdentityVitalStatusFiltering(Map<VitalStatus,String> vitalStatusStrings)
      If IdentityField.VITAL_STATUS is a key in the person fields filter map, then replace the (localized) vitalStatus strings by all vital status symbol keys (as defined in VitalStatus) for which the value's pattern matches the vital status string value.
      vitalStatusStrings - a map with vital status as keys and the localized strings as values
      Gibt zurück:
      true when the person vital status pattern has changed
    • isUsingSorting

      public boolean isUsingSorting()
    • getSortField

      public IdentityField getSortField()
    • setSortField

      public void setSortField(IdentityField sortField)
    • isSortIsAscending

      public boolean isSortIsAscending()
    • setSortIsAscending

      public void setSortIsAscending(boolean sortIsAscending)
    • isUsingPersonFiltering

      public boolean isUsingPersonFiltering()
    • getPersonFilter

      public Map<PersonField,String> getPersonFilter()
    • setPersonFilter

      public void setPersonFilter(Map<PersonField,String> personFilter)
    • isPersonFilterAsConjunction

      public boolean isPersonFilterAsConjunction()
    • setPersonFilterAsConjunction

      public void setPersonFilterAsConjunction(boolean personFilterAsConjunction)
    • isPersonFilterCaseSensitive

      public boolean isPersonFilterCaseSensitive()
    • setPersonFilterCaseSensitive

      public void setPersonFilterCaseSensitive(boolean personFilterCaseSensitive)
    • isGlobalPersonFiltering

      public boolean isGlobalPersonFiltering()
    • getGlobalPersonFilterPattern

      public String getGlobalPersonFilterPattern()
    • detectAndConfigureGlobalPersonFiltering

      public boolean detectAndConfigureGlobalPersonFiltering(Set<PersonField> globalFilterFields)
      If PersonField.NONE is the only key in the identity filter map with a non-empty pattern value, then configure the filter to search in all given global filter fields linked by OR (disjunction), otherwise leave the filter configuration untouched.
      globalFilterFields - the person fields to search in when using global person field filtering
      Gibt zurück:
      true when global filtering was detected and configured
    • isIdentityAndPersonFilterCombinedAsConjunction

      public boolean isIdentityAndPersonFilterCombinedAsConjunction()
    • setIdentityAndPersonFilterCombinedAsConjunction

      public void setIdentityAndPersonFilterCombinedAsConjunction(boolean identityAndPersonFilterCombinedAsConjunction)
    • isUsingCreateTimestampFiltering

      public boolean isUsingCreateTimestampFiltering()
    • getCreateTimestampFilter

      public String getCreateTimestampFilter()
    • setCreateTimestampFilter

      public void setCreateTimestampFilter(String createTimestampFilter)
    • getDateFormat

      public String getDateFormat()
    • setDateFormat

      public void setDateFormat(String dateFormat)
    • getTimeFormat

      public String getTimeFormat()
    • setTimeFormat

      public void setTimeFormat(String timeFormat)
    • normalize

      public boolean normalize()
    • prepareIdentityFilterForPredicates

      public boolean prepareIdentityFilterForPredicates(ConfigurationContainer cc)
      Prepares this pagination config for using with JPA-predicates.
      cc - the configuration container e.g. to request required fields
      Gibt zurück:
      true, if the pagination config actually has been changed
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • equalsWhenPagingAndSortingIsIgnored

      public boolean equalsWhenPagingAndSortingIsIgnored(Object obj)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object
    • builder

      public static PaginationConfig.Builder builder()
      Creates a builder for the pagination config (see Builder-Pattern).
      Gibt zurück:
      a builder for the pagination config.