Klasse PossibleMatchHistoryDTO

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class PossibleMatchHistoryDTO extends Object implements Serializable
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • PossibleMatchHistoryDTO

      public PossibleMatchHistoryDTO()
    • PossibleMatchHistoryDTO

      public PossibleMatchHistoryDTO(long id, long identity1Id, long identity2Id, long identityLinkId, double threshold, String algorithm, Date historyTimestamp, long updatedIdentityId, long person1Id, long person2Id, PossibleMatchSolution solution, String explanation, String user)
    • PossibleMatchHistoryDTO

      public PossibleMatchHistoryDTO(PossibleMatchHistoryDTO dto)
  • Methodendetails

    • getId

      public long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(long id)
    • getIdentity1Id

      public long getIdentity1Id()
    • setIdentity1Id

      public void setIdentity1Id(long identity1Id)
    • getIdentity2Id

      public long getIdentity2Id()
    • setIdentity2Id

      public void setIdentity2Id(long identity2Id)
    • getIdentityLinkId

      public long getIdentityLinkId()
    • setIdentityLinkId

      public void setIdentityLinkId(long identityLinkId)
    • getThreshold

      public double getThreshold()
    • setThreshold

      public void setThreshold(double threshold)
    • getAlgorithm

      public String getAlgorithm()
    • setAlgorithm

      public void setAlgorithm(String algorithm)
    • getHistoryTimestamp

      public Date getHistoryTimestamp()
    • setHistoryTimestamp

      public void setHistoryTimestamp(Date historyTimestamp)
    • getUpdatedIdentityId

      public long getUpdatedIdentityId()
      could be -1 which means that there isn't any linked updated identity
    • setUpdatedIdentityId

      public void setUpdatedIdentityId(long updatedIdentityId)
    • getPerson1Id

      public long getPerson1Id()
    • setPerson1Id

      public void setPerson1Id(long person1Id)
    • getPerson2Id

      public long getPerson2Id()
    • setPerson2Id

      public void setPerson2Id(long person2Id)
    • getSolution

      public PossibleMatchSolution getSolution()
    • setSolution

      public void setSolution(PossibleMatchSolution solution)
    • getExplanation

      public String getExplanation()
    • setExplanation

      public void setExplanation(String explanation)
    • getUser

      public String getUser()
    • setUser

      public void setUser(String user)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object