Klasse QualityControlConfig

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class QualityControlConfig extends Object implements Serializable
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • QualityControlConfig

      public QualityControlConfig()
      Empty constructor for deserialization.
    • QualityControlConfig

      public QualityControlConfig(QualityControlConfig config)
      Copy constructor.
    • QualityControlConfig

      public QualityControlConfig(Set<QCType> types, String defaultQcType, Set<QCProblemType> problemTypes, Set<QCProblemTypeAction> actions)
      All fields constructor.
  • Methodendetails

    • capture

      public void capture(QualityControlConfig config)
    • getTypeById

      public QCType getTypeById(String id)
    • getTypes

      public Set<QCType> getTypes()
    • setTypes

      public void setTypes(Set<QCType> types)
    • hasType

      public boolean hasType(String id, QCTypeStatus status)
    • getTypeIds

      public Set<String> getTypeIds(QCTypeStatus status)
    • setTypeIds

      public void setTypeIds(QCTypeStatus status, Set<String> ids)
    • getValidQcTypeValues

      public Set<String> getValidQcTypeValues()
    • setValidQcTypeValues

      public void setValidQcTypeValues(Set<String> values)
    • getInvalidQcTypeValues

      public Set<String> getInvalidQcTypeValues()
    • setInvalidQcTypeValues

      public void setInvalidQcTypeValues(Set<String> values)
    • getDefaultType

      public QCType getDefaultType()
    • setDefaultType

      public void setDefaultType(QCType type)
    • getDefaultTypeId

      public String getDefaultTypeId()
    • setDefaultTypeId

      public void setDefaultTypeId(String defaultQcType)
    • getProblemTypeById

      public QCProblemType getProblemTypeById(String id)
    • getProblemTypes

      public Set<QCProblemType> getProblemTypes()
    • setProblemTypes

      public void setProblemTypes(Set<QCProblemType> problemTypes)
    • getProblemTypeActionById

      public QCProblemTypeAction getProblemTypeActionById(String id)
    • getProblemTypeActions

      public Set<QCProblemTypeAction> getProblemTypeActions()
    • setProblemTypeActions

      public void setProblemTypeActions(Set<QCProblemTypeAction> problemTypeActions)
    • normalize

      public void normalize(String domainName)
      Ensures, that the default qc type is set and either listed as valid or invalid.
      domainName - the name of the domain used for warning messages only
    • validate

      public void validate() throws InvalidParameterException
      Löst aus:
      Siehe auch:
    • validate

      public void validate(String paramName) throws InvalidParameterException
      Assert, that the qc config is consistent, which means, that
      paramName - an optional name of the parameter
      Löst aus:
      InvalidParameterException - if the qc config is not consistent
    • updateUnlockedParts

      public boolean updateUnlockedParts(QualityControlConfig config)
      Updates the labels of existing types, problem types, and problem type actions, and takes over new types, ... as well as the default qc type from the given config.
      config - the new config to update from
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this qc config has changed on update
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object