Klasse AssignedConsentModule

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatype, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseElement, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType

public class AssignedConsentModule extends org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Type implements org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType
FHIR Datatype to hold assigned module specific information for templates
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AssignedConsentModule

      public AssignedConsentModule()
    • AssignedConsentModule

      public AssignedConsentModule(String moduleKey, List<AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus> displayCheckBoxes, AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus defaultConsentStatus, Boolean mandatoryModule)
      create new instance of AssignedConsentModule using only obligatory parameters
      moduleKey - module reference as semicolon separated string
      displayCheckBoxes - list of to be displayed checkbox values for patient consent status
      defaultConsentStatus - to be used default patient consent status for this module
      mandatoryModule - true if acceptance of this module should be mandatory for the consent template
    • AssignedConsentModule

      public AssignedConsentModule(String moduleKey, List<AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus> displayCheckBoxes, AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus defaultConsentStatus, Boolean mandatoryModule, String comment, Integer orderNumber, String externProperties, String expirationProperties)
      create new instance of AssignedConsentModule using additional parameters
      moduleKey - module reference as semicolon separated string
      displayCheckBoxes - list of to be displayed checkbox values for patient consent status
      defaultConsentStatus - to be used default patient consent status for this module
      mandatoryModule - true if acceptance of this module should be mandatory for the consent template
      comment - comment
      orderNumber - ordernumber to change order of modules in template (future use)
      externProperties - externProperties for assigned module
      expirationProperties - expirationProperties for assigned module
    • AssignedConsentModule

      public AssignedConsentModule(String moduleKey, List<AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus> displayCheckBoxes, AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus defaultConsentStatus, Boolean mandatoryModule, String comment, Integer orderNumber, String externProperties)
      create new instance of AssignedConsentModule using additional parameters
      moduleKey - module reference as semicolon separated string
      displayCheckBoxes - list of to be displayed checkbox values for patient consent status
      defaultConsentStatus - to be used default patient consent status for this module
      mandatoryModule - true if acceptance of this module should be mandatory for the consent template
      comment - comment
      orderNumber - ordernumber to change order of modules in template (future use)
      externProperties - externProperties for assigned module
    • AssignedConsentModule

      public AssignedConsentModule(String moduleKey, List<AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus> displayCheckBoxes, AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus defaultConsentStatus, Boolean mandatoryModule, String comment, Integer orderNumber)
      create new instance of AssignedConsentModule using additional parameters
      moduleKey - module reference as semicolon separated string
      displayCheckBoxes - list of to be displayed checkbox values for patient consent status
      defaultConsentStatus - to be used default patient consent status for this module
      mandatoryModule - true if acceptance of this module should be mandatory for the consent template
      comment - comment
      orderNumber - ordernumber to change order of modules in template (future use)
  • Methodendetails

    • getMandatory

      public Boolean getMandatory()
      get mandatory state of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      mandatory state of AssignedConsentModule
    • setMandatory

      public AssignedConsentModule setMandatory(Boolean mandatory)
      set mandatory state of AssignedConsentModule
      mandatory - required state of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of AssignedConsentModule
    • getComment

      public String getComment()
      get comment to describe purpose of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      comment to describe purpose of AssignedConsentModule
    • setComment

      public AssignedConsentModule setComment(String moduleComment)
      set comment to describe purpose of AssignedConsentModule
      moduleComment - comment to describe purpose of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of AssignedConsentModule
    • getModuleKey

      public String getModuleKey()
      get module reference as semicolon separated string
      Gibt zurück:
      referenced module key
    • setModuleKey

      public AssignedConsentModule setModuleKey(String consentmodulekey)
      setmodule reference as semicolon separated string
      consentmodulekey - referenced module to be assigned to template, as semicolon separated string
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of AssignedConsentModule
    • getDefaultConsentStatus

      public String getDefaultConsentStatus()
      get defaultConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      defaultConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule
    • setDefaultConsentStatus

      public AssignedConsentModule setDefaultConsentStatus(AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus defaultState)
      set defaultConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule
      defaultState - defaultConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of AssignedConsentModule
    • getOrderNumber

      public Integer getOrderNumber()
      get orderNumber of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      orderNumber of AssignedConsentModule
    • setOrderNumber

      public AssignedConsentModule setOrderNumber(Integer moduleOrdNo)
      set orderNumber of AssignedConsentModule
      moduleOrdNo - orderNumber of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of AssignedConsentModule
    • getDisplayCheckBoxes

      public List<AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus> getDisplayCheckBoxes()
      get list of check box values of type PatientConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      assigned checkbox values of this AssignedConsentModule
    • getDisplayCheckBoxesAsString

      public String getDisplayCheckBoxesAsString()
      get list of check box values of type PatientConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule as string
      Gibt zurück:
      assigned checkbox values of this AssignedConsentModule as string
    • setDisplayCheckBoxes

      public AssignedConsentModule setDisplayCheckBoxes(List<AssignedConsentModule.PatientConsentStatus> toBeDisplayedCheckBoxes)
      set list of check box values of type PatientConsentStatus of AssignedConsentModule
      toBeDisplayedCheckBoxes - list of displayCheckBoxes for AssignedConsentModule
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of AssignedConsentModule
    • getExternProperties

      public String getExternProperties()
      get externProperties of assigned module
      Gibt zurück:
      externProperties of assigned module
    • setExternProperties

      public AssignedConsentModule setExternProperties(String externProperties)
      set externProperties of assigned module with 0-n properties separated by semicolon e.g. validity_period=p1y
      externProperties - externProperties of assigned module
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of Assigend Module
    • getExpirationProperties

      public String getExpirationProperties()
      get expirationProperties of assigned module
      Gibt zurück:
      expirationProperties of assigned module
    • setExpirationProperties

      public AssignedConsentModule setExpirationProperties(String expirationProperties)
      set expirationProperties of assigned module
      expirationProperties - expirationProperties of assigned module
      Gibt zurück:
      instance of Assigend Module
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Angegeben von:
      isEmpty in Schnittstelle org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      isEmpty in Klasse org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Element
    • typedCopy

      protected org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Type typedCopy()
      Angegeben von:
      typedCopy in Klasse org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Type