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FHIR Datatype to hold assigned module specific information for templates
internal enumeration to differentiate types of patient consent status.
FHIR Datatype to hold assigned policy specific information for templates
objekt fuer die m-n tabelle consent template Ungültige Eingabe: "<"-> modul
objekt fuer die m-n tabelle module Ungültige Eingabe: "<"-> policy
configuration for the check whether the given policy is consented by the given person
at least one of the given ids must be related to the person
all given ids must be related to the person
all given ids and no other id must be related to the person
at least one of the given ids must be related to the person
all given ids must be related to the person
all given ids and no other id must be related to the person
FHIR Datatype to hold gICS-Domain specific information
ein consent ist ein ausgefuelltes und unterschriebenes konsentdokument (consent template)
some fields of the consent table, used for retrieving a sorted or filtered list of consents
sorting is not available for
is checked via 'like', ConsentField.DATE
is a period (see PaginationConfig.getStartDate()
, PaginationConfig.getEndDate()
), everything else via
'equals'sorting is not available for
pk fuer einen consent
ein consent ist ein ausgefuelltes und unterschriebenes konsentdokument (consent template)
das light dto enthaelt keine scans und keine freetextvals um sowohl datenmenge als auch db-zugriffe zu minimieren
das light dto enthaelt keine scans und keine freetextvals um sowohl datenmenge als auch db-zugriffe zu minimieren
FHIR Datatype to hold gICS-Module specific information
A class to encapsulate a
,a map with PolicyKeyDTO
as keys
and their consent status as values as well as some metadata as a notification message
which can be serialized to and deserialized from a JSON representation.contains templatekey, signerids, detected modules with detected consentstates and confidence
FHIR Datatype to hold gICS-Policy specific information
wie wurde ein modul (und damit die enthaltenen policies) innerhalb eines consents konsentiert?
ordnet die verschiedenen status nach "zugestimmt", "verweigert" und "unbekannt"
FHIR Datatype to hold gICS-Template specific information
internal enumeration to differentiate types of consent templates
ein consent template kann mehrere module (mit jeweils mehreren policies) enthalten, es entspricht
dem elektronischen aequivalent eines nicht ausgefuellten konsentdokumentes
FHIR Datatype to hold FreeText specific information for templates
internal enumeration to differentiate types of free text fields.
pk fuer ein consent template
structure of the modules of a consent template
detected module results from parse consent scan
name - identifier
label - label for the web-interface
properties - semicolon separated key-value pairs; for valid keys see enum
comment - comment
label - label for the web-interface
properties - semicolon separated key-value pairs; for valid keys see enum
comment - comment
possible properties for a consent domain
should be thrown when the given object for a create operation already exists
FHIR Resource to hold information to configure consent domains, policies, modules and templates
enum to specify export mode
date: 2018-03-16
should be thrown when the given converter string (in case of
.Date) is not a valid string for SimpleDateFormat
definition fuer freitext-felder eines consents
data type of a free text field of a consent template
if extended please pay attention to occurences of
if extended please pay attention to occurences of
and InvalidFreeTextException
wert eines freitext-feldes eines consents
An interface for import and export of consent-templates using custom fhir formats
for details read our publication.
An interface for sibling gics-service methods which additionally send notifications via the
THS Notification Service.
should be thrown when a parent object contains an illegal composition of child items
should be thrown when there are signed consents which belongs to one module but have different consent status
should be thrown whenever there's an error which can't be corrected by the client
should be thrown whenever there's an error due to the consent status
should be thrown when the given import format definition is invalid
should be thrown whenever there's an error due to the given free text (free text name is unknown within the consent template, invalid format, ...)
should be thrown whenever a mandatory parameter is null, empty or invalid
should be thrown when invalid properties are encountered
should be thrown whenever there's an error due to the version string
format: "x.y.z"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999; 'a' Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= z Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 'z'
also valid:
"x.y"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999
"x"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146
attention: a.0b = a.b
also valid:
"x.y"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999
"x"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146
attention: a.0b = a.b
format: "x.y.z"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= z Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999
also valid:
"x.y"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999
"x"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146
attention: a.0b = a.b
also valid:
"x.y"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999
"x"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146
attention: a.0b = a.b
format: "x.y"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= y Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 999
also valid: "x"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146
attention: a.0b = a.b
also valid: "x"; 0 Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= x Ungültige Eingabe: "<"= 2146
attention: a.0b = a.b
should be thrown whenever there's an error in the mandatory-fields-logic:
all mandatory fields must have the same consent status
this status must be either ACCEPTEP or DECLINED
if it's DECLINED, all optional fields must also have this status
all mandatory fields must have the same consent status
this status must be either ACCEPTEP or DECLINED
if it's DECLINED, all optional fields must also have this status
should be thrown whenever the request is lacking a required object
ein modul ist eine zustimmbare unterteilung eines consents; sie fasst mehrere policies zusammen,
denen gewoehnlicherweise gemeinsam zugestimmt wird
pk fuer ein modul
Converts module names to QR code text (referred to as QR code hereafter) and
QR codes back to module names when a reference set of possible module names is given.
module state - consent state of module and list of affected policies
should be thrown whenever there is no value to a given key
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated
in this package.
should be thrown when the given object can't be deleted
parameter for get...Paginated functions
eine policy ist die kleinstmoegliche unterteilung eines consents; sie repraesentiert eine
atomare, zustimmbare einheit
pk fuer eine policy
qualitaetskontrolleintrag fuer einen consent
history fuer die qualitaetskontrolleintraege fuer einen consent
should be thrown whenever the requested operation can't be executed because not all prerequisites are met
objekt fuer die m-n tabelle consentUngültige Eingabe: "<"->policy
signer id - combination of id and id type
signerIdType (z.b. mpi-id, fallnummer)
should be thrown when the given alias is not known for the given domain
should be thrown when the given combination of signerId is not known for the given domain (has to be unique)
should be thrown when the given consent is not known for the given domain
should be thrown when the given consent template is not known for the given domain
should be thrown when the given domain is not found within the db
should be thrown when the given object for a fhir id is not implemented within DAO.getObjectByFhirID
should be thrown when the given id is not found within the db
should be thrown when the given module is not known for the given domain
should be thrown when the given policy is not known for the given domain
should be thrown when the given signerId is not known for the given domain
should be thrown when the given signerIdType is not known for the given domain
should be thrown whenever there's an error instantiating the version converter class